(479) 579-9322

Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville

At Epoxy Flooring Bentonville, we make sure that we are providing you with exceptional service when it comes to any and all of your flooring needs. We are sure to go above and beyond in every way possible to provide industrial grade flooring equipped to handle your busy life. When it comes to quality solutions – we are the commercial flooring team you can count on. With our garage expertise, we will make sure to provide you flake flooring that is actually industrial grade. You can actually learn much more about it when you visit our website gallery to get an idea first. We are here to tell you a little bit more upfront about what you can expect in your flooring needs.

GET EPOXY INSTALLED THE RIGHT WAY!Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville BeforeAfter02

Epoxy Flooring Bentonville goes above and beyond in every way possible to make sure that we are providing you with the actual best prep work. How many companies will cut corners when it comes to laying the epoxy floor? So. Many! They are usually around $4.00 a square foot and you feel great about the economical budget – NOT SO FAST! That’s certainly not what you want for your Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville project. 

Prep + Industrial Grade Battleship Style Paint + UV Stable Top Coat = LIFETIME WARRANTY EPOXY FLOORING BENTONVILLE

Because of this, it means the prep work was not actually done correctly. With Epoxy Flooring Bentonville, we make sure to prep the surface very efficiently first and foremost, before we even begin. We always tell our customers, it’s like getting your nails done. If you get your nails done and they just put polish on your blank nail, the oils, and normal, every day wear and tear chip away at your nail. However, when done properly, you give your paint something to grip onto through services such as buffing and grinding. The perfect prep doesn’t provide great solutions when you need it most unless they go to the trouble of exposing the aggregate of the concrete. 

Second, instead of using a residential or commercial grade epoxy, we actually use an industrial grade epoxy. We always like to joke around, although it is a fact. The fact is, our solutions are actually the same thing they coat battleships with. We usually laugh when we tell people this because it sounds so absurd, however it is true. The exact same solution we use on our epoxy floor coating is actually the same stuff they coat battleships with.

Last, but certainly not least, we seal your floor. Instead of using a typical, polyutherane like most installers, we actually only use what’s called a UV stable topcoat. It is a polyurea solution that will not turn yellow overtime. The great thing about our sealant that we use, is the actual hardness and thickness of it. It’s about 20 times harder than your normal epoxy floors.

Lifetime Warranty + Accidental Damage Warranty for Epoxy Flooring Bentonville 

All that to say, what we do is make sure that we are providing you with the absolute best in Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville options. That is why we offer a lifetime warranty plus an accidental damage warranty. We go above and beyond in every way possible to make sure that we can prep your floor, provide you the best solutions, and finally seal your floor in a way that you can trust it for a lifetime. We aren’t just good, we are great. When it comes to residential and commercial grade flooring, we go the extra mile in every way possible to make sure that we can give you everything you need and more. Visit our website at https://epoxyflooringbentonville.com/  and give us a call today at (479) 579-9322 for your first Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville quote.

The Ultimate Garage Organization Solution

Epoxy Flooring Bentonville is truly committed to excellence. That is why we offer you a vast array of products. We are the specialists when it comes to commercial grade flooring. However, we do the extra mile in everything we do. We actually provide residential homeowners and even business owners with shelving solutions, cabinets, slat walls, and so much more. The ultimate garage organization solution is only a call away. Did you know we also offer Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville? Flooring + Garage Organization? Tell me more! You got it….

Get to Know Epoxy Flooring Bentonville Garage Organizational Basics!

Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville BeforeAfter01We want to break down each product that we provide and explain to you why it matters. For our Epoxy Flooring, we always break it down to customers like this. Your flooring is when you reach out to Epoxy Flooring Bentonville because you actually need industrial grade flooring. You need tough – really tough. You are wanting something that will last. You are wanting something that will not only look nice, but also hold up against the test of time, wear and tear, the hard work that you do, and so much more. That is why we use an industrial grade solution with dependable Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville warranties and make sure we put the floor install process prepped intentionally. Because of this, between our prep work, the solutions we use, and what we finally seal your floor with, we are able to provide a lifetime warranty plus accidental damage warranty. Basically, we trust our floors with our life.

Cabinets, Shelving, and More Storage Solutions!

Second, we offer shelving and garage cabinet solutions. When it comes to storing for your garage or business, you want something that works. For many people they enjoy our shelving solutions because we are able to maximize space. We make sure that our shelving solutions are multi-functional so that you can get more not only for your daughter, but also for your space. Maybe you are wanting something a little bit more of a designer grade. We help with that as well. If you’re looking for cabinets, cabinets are typically a solution when you are wanting not only the exterior to look aesthetically pleasing, but you are also looking to hide some of the contents of your storage items. Either way, we provide the solutions when you need it most.

We also offer slatwall solutions. Our slat wall is exceptional. When it comes to organization, you can count on us to go every step of the way when you need it most – in desperate organization need. You’ll be amazed at what we are able to do here at all. We love our cabinets, shelving, and slatwall process!

Schedule a FREE Consultation + 3D Rendering

Learn more at Epoxy Flooring Bentonville by visiting our website gallery. You’ll love it when you’re able to see for yourself just what we can do for you. See our gallery of Commercial Epoxy Flooring Bentonville work and check out our colors and see if that is what we can do for you. Regardless of what you are needing, we can help you. While on our website and looking through our information, be sure to check out the testimonials, our gallery, and learn more when you reach out to Epoxy Flooring Bentonville. Visit https://epoxyflooringbentonville.com/ to learn more, or schedule a consultation when you dial (479) 579-9322 for your first quote.


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